+ + + Last chance to register + + +
Within the frame of the Capitalization Strategy of the Danube Transnational Programme the coordinator of Pole 1, in close cooperation with the Priority Areas 8, 3 “Culture & tourism” and 7 “Knowledge Society” of the EUSDR, is organizing a Cross-fertilisation Innovation and Technology Transfer Workshop on 24th of May 2018 in Bucharest. During the Workshop -with regard to the 7th Annual Forum of the EUSDR, which is going to take place in Sofia on 18 and 19 October 2018- a special, thematic focus will put on tourism and digitalization.
The objective of the interactive workshop is to identify opportunities for further cooperation among the priority areas regards the thematic field “Innovation and Technology Transfer” as well as of Pole 1 of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (Innovative Ecosystems in SMEs). The findings of the interactive workshop will be presented at the 7th Annual Forum of the EUSDR.
Meeting Venue:
University “Politechnica“ Bucharest, SplaiulIndependentei no. 313, sector 6, Bucharest
Hall: Central Library (http://www.library.pub.ro/)
Room 2.2
Please note: A registration is necessary to participate in the Cross-fertilisation Workshop. Participants who are interested are invited to register under the following email address: lenz@steinbeis-europa.de.
In case you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us!