A new cluster initiative for PA 8 has been established. DanuClus is the response of the Working Group “Clusters of Excellence” to the new EU funding period 2014-2020. Inspired by an exchange of experiences with BSR Stars, the cluster platform of the Baltic Sea Region, the EUSDR working group proposed a similar model for future cluster work in the Danube Region.
A Core Group in DanuClus will coordinate projects for a wide target audience of clusters in the Danube Region. Concrete project ideas and funding opportunities are already under discussion – interested parties to take part in the consortia should consult the attached presentation about DanuClus and contact the coordinators of the Working Group (email to: sigrid.winkler(at)tmg.at).
DanuClus was established during the strategic-political meeting of the Working Group “Clusters of Excellence”, held on 11 April in Visegrad, Hungary.