REGISTRATIONS via Mr Vuk Markovic
08.45 Registration
09.30 Welcome & Opening of the Forum
- Dr. Erhard Busek | President of the SENATE OF ECONOMY Austria, and President of the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC DANUBE FORUM, and founder of the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI)
- Socioeconomic assessment of the Danube Region: Challenges and recommendations towards sustainable development
- Findings from a study (2015) and recommendations and concrete action fields for the Danube region relating to Smart Cities
- Gabor Hunya, wiiw Vienna (tbc)
10.00 Smart Cities in Europe – Strategies, innovation programs and current state of projects
- Why are we creating Smart Cities? What is the goal? And how can smart cities spur innovation and growth in a local economy?
- Best practice Stockholm: Sustainable buildings and connected infrastructures: A showcase for a successful transformation towards sustainable growth
- Best practice Prague: Sustainable public transportation and data management: The Golden City is preparing for the future
- Best practice Ljubljana: European Green Capital 2016: Ljubljana shows how to successfully integrate citizens into the development of a smart city
- Alanus von Radecki, Project leader Morgenstadt Fraunhofer
10.30 The European Commission and the Danube region
- How is the European Commission supporting the SME´s in the Danube region? Updating of funding facilities and strategies for the promotion of SMEs. Dr. Johann Sollgruber, European Commission
11.30 The Danube region needs entrepreneurs! Entrepreneurs create wealth, create jobs and lower the brain-drain
- Dr Hans-Peter Herdlitschka, EUSDR-Priority Coordinator
- Ms. sc. Dragica Karajic, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts Directorate for EU Programmes, EUSDR – Priority Area Coordinator 8
12.00 The Future of the City
- Critical reflection on the concept of Smart Cities. Why are we creating Smart Cities? What is the goal? How do smart cities contribute to a higher liveability and attractiveness of cities?
- Kristian Skovbakke Villadsen, Gehl Architects | Liveable cities for people (tbc)
12.15 Focus on best practices from the Danube Region
- Presentation of Smart-Projects from the Danube Region: Vienna, Zagreb, Sibiu,
- Which kind of impact did they generate? Did they experience any regulatory or structural problem?
- Project “Smarter Together” in Vienna: Lighthouse project in the area of Simmering West in Vienna. Measures in the area include thermal and energy renovation of residential and municipal buildings, use of photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, energy-saving lighting systems, e-Bike including charging stations, neighbourhood e-car sharing, e-mobility, Mag.a Waltraud Schmid,Tinavienna
- URBACT Project “Smart Impact” in Zagreb: Within the URBACT III project “Smart Impact” Zagreb focuses on the development of an innovation fund to create a local ecosystem of entrepreneurs. Mirjana Zubak, The Mayor’s Office – Department for European Integrations and EU Funds
- Smart City Sibiu – The SMART CITY SIBIU Project aims to promote smart solutions for energy generation and consumption, as well as an effective management of the electricity and heat consumption in selected areas of Sibiu. The project has a modular architecture, which allows for a step-by-step development towards the fulfillment of the global concept. A central platform monitors and orchestrates multiple applications. Tiberiu Dragan | representative of Sibiu Local Council
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Funding / Projects / Connectivity
- JFDI GmbH | Andreas Tschas Co-Founder and CEO of Pioneers
- What to do next? Networking, funding, implementing, impact!
- Examples and lessons learnt from Danube-INCO.NET, Elke Dall | Centre for Social Innovation Vienna
14.45 Panel discussion: What can cities and companies in the Danube Region do to create growth and innovation from the Smart City Agenda?
- Q1: How can innovative Mobility solutions help grow a smart and innovative city? Q2: How do enterprises and municipalities need to interact for making smart cities a win-win business?
- Q3: Which smart solutions are ready to use? How can local SME’s profit from investments in innovation, energy efficiency and smart mobility?
- Q4: Selected networking and funding opportunities
15.45 Resumé of the panel discussion
- Alanus von Radecki – Project leader Morgenstadt Fraunhofer
16.00 Wrap-up of the forum (summary)
- Moderation: Jochen Ressel
16:15 Together in the future
- Final statement of the President of the SENATE OF ECONOMY Austria and EUROPEAN ECONOMIC DANUBE FORUM, Dr. Erhard Busek
17.00 Get-together