On April 9 and 10, 2024, the Kick-off event of the project “Danube Region Wood Industry Transformation Model towards Industry 4.0 (DRWO4.0)” approved in the 1st call of the INTERREG Danube Region Programme 2021-2027 took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, which marked the beginning of the implementation of the project lasting 24 months, 01.01.2024-31.12.2025. The composition of the partnership is based on cooperation in the area of DRP Priority 1. A more competitive and smarter Danube region, specific goal 1.2. Industrial transition, where the Competence Center Ltd. for Research and Development (Centar kompetencija d.o.o., CEKOM), Gradište, the LeadPartner, and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development is the Associated Strategic Partner (ASP).

The conference was hosted by the Slovenian Wood Industry Cluster.
The kick-off event was opened by a representative of the Lead partner Competence Center Ltd. for research and development, representative of the Slovenian Wood Industry Cluster, the Croatian Wood Cluster, and the director of Competence Center Ltd., Mr. Ivan Ambroš.
The Competence Center Ltd.. presented the objectives, activities, time schedule and expected results of the project. Mr. Ambroš thanked the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development for their support in the preparation and implementation of projects and emphasized that in every project they strive to include new partners and consider capitalisation and follow-upof projects and achieved results.
The Croatian MRRFEU – Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds presented the importance of the EUSDR Strategy, the management structure, pillars, priority areas, the importance of the flagship projects and the roles of competent authorities.
The main goal of the DRWO4.0 project is to improve the wood industry of the Danube region through transformation towards Industry 4.0.

Although the forest-based industry of whole Europe has a sustainable development perspective, the common transnational challenges in its developing pathway indicate the presence of gaps which this project will tackle and these are mostly due to the lack of I4.0 implementation in wood industry of Europe, especially in less developed regions of the EU and non-EU countries. To minimise mentioned gaps, the overall DRWO4.0 objective was set: the DR wood industry improvement through the contribution to its transformation towards I4.0 transformation
Transnational cooperation in the Danube region between all involved in the value chain is essential to ensure that stakeholders in the wood industry remains competitive and resilient in future.
The implementation of the project contributes to the strengthening of networking in EUSDR-PP8, especially the objectives related to economic development and business transformation, and ensuring the prerequisites necessary for products of high added value in the forestry and wood industry, based on digital twin solutions.

Lead partner:
Competence Centre Ltd. for research and development Hrvatska (HR)
Project partners:
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Österreich (AT)
KO-FA Association România (RO)
Wood Industry Cluster Slovenija (SI)
Cultural Innovation Competence Center Association Magyarország (HU)
Bulgarian Furniture Cluster Bulgaria (BG)
Cluster of Czech Furniture Manufacturers Cesko (CZ)
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry Serbia (RS)
Development Agency of City of Prijedor “PREDA” Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
Cahul Business Centre Moldova (MD)
Culmena Ltd. Hrvatska (HR)
Faculty of Engeenering and Information Technology Magyarország (HU)
Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region Ukraine (UA)
Faculty of design, independent highereducation institution Slovenija (SI)