Each Priority Area is managed by two Danube countries; in case of PA 8 the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism Baden-Württemberg and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development in Croatia are responsible for the management of the priority. The other Danube countries can contribute to the implementation of the PA activities. Each country can delegate a member to the so-called Steering Group (SG). The SG is a stable group of representatives of relevant inter-governmental bodies from the member states of the EUSDR and with meetings on a regular basis. The SG is coordinated by the two Priority Area Coordinators (PACs).


The SG’s main purpose is to implement the EU Strategy for the Danube Region as well as to support and advise the PACs in certain concerns such as approving projects or nominate members to the Working Groups. The work of the SG is defined in a Communication from the European Commission (2010).

A members list with full contact details can be seen here: https://competitiveness.danube-region.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/sites/4/2025/02/EUSDR-Priority-Area-8-Steering-Group-members-01.2025_updated_2.pdf