The DTC (Danube Transfer Centres) network, with its intermediary role between the business and the research sector, is an excellent best practice showcase for not only capitalisation within the Interreg DTP, but also among the strategy level of the EUSDR as well as EU-level in other funding programmes (e.g. Horizon 2020). The partners of the DTC Hubs4SMEs participate concurrently in various projects of Horizon 2020 and the Interreg DTP and are also thereby active in the DTP Capitalisation Strategy as they are members of the different Thematic Poles, such as the Pole 1 “Innovative Ecosystem for SMEs” and also members of the EUSDR WGs (e.g. in PA8 and PA7).
Presentation with pictures of DTC: DTC-Bilder
Additionally a new format „DTC coffee kitchens“ to discuss cooperation opportunities has been started in 2022. In four online meetings, each dedicated to a specific topic, DTC partners met and discussed cooperation opportunities and potentials for capitalizing on previous projects’ results, cross-fertilizing between those projects and the respective consortia.
In the framework of the Annual Forum on Oct 24, 2023 in Brdo, Slovenia, Carmen Hawkins and Helia Kovačević Grčić from PA 8 togehter with the colleagues from Danube Stratey Point, Cristina Cuc and Katharina Lenz, handed over the Danube Flagship Certificate. Over 40 participants from 7 Danube countries joined to celebrate the handover of the Danube Strategy Flagship Certificate and to welcome three new members to the Network.
The status of the Danube Tranfer Center Network in 2023 is, that is is active in 10 Danube Region Countries, there are 15 DTC Entry points and 33 DTC Hubs.
Handover of the Danube Flagship Certificate on Oct. 24, 2023 at the Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region in Brdo, Slovenia, |
In 2022, the 10th anniversary of DTC network was celebrated, which has played and still plays a decisive role in fulfilling the goal of WG I&TT to support and improve the innovation and technology transfer framework conditions at the local and regional level. The now increased to 15 Danube Transfer Centers contribute to capacity building within the whole Danube macro-region by providing numerous trainings & workshops e.g. for proposal and project management in the field of innovation and technology transfer. In sum, until 2022, around 31,8 million Euro of funding were acquired in the framework of the DTC network.
11th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, 10 Years DTC Jubilee, 19th of October 2022, Kosice, Slovakia |
Presentation with pictures of DTC: DTC-Bilder
Additionally a new format „DTC coffee kitchens“ to discuss cooperation opportunities has been started in 2022. In four online meetings, each dedicated to a specific topic, DTC partners met and discussed cooperation opportunities and potentials for capitalizing on previous projects’ results, cross-fertilizing between those projects and the respective consortia.
DTC Mission