The Annual Forum is the main event of the year for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and its motto this year is “We grow together, together we grow”.
7th Steering Group Meeting in Chisinau/Moldova
Mobilization of Moldavian stakeholders within the Priority Area 8 “Competitiveness and Cluster” in the framework of the EUSDR The 7th Steering Group Meeting of the Priority Area 8 “Competitiveness and Cluster
International meeting of Experts
Meeting of the Working Groups: “Innovation and Technology Transfer”, “Environmental Technologies and Energy Efficiency” and”Cooperation of Business Organizations” Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia hosted an
DanuClus meets BSR Stars
The cluster programme BSR Stars has in many ways model character for the Danube Strategy. Therefore Sigrid Winkler represented the PA 8 Working Group Clusters of Excellence at the BSR
DanuClus goes global: first contacts with China
In November 2013, Sigrid Winkler participated for the PA 8 working group “Clusters of Excellence” in the CETREGIO exchange program between European and Chinese regions. DG Regio of the European
One-day EUSDR-Event “European Funding Opportunities for competitiveness and innovation in the Danube Region”
The one-day event “European Funding Opportunities for competitiveness and innovation in the Danube Region” took place on 11th December 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany. Starting in 2014, a new period of European
EUSDR Conference on „Research and Entrepreneurship Partnership for Growth and Internationalization of SMEs in Danube Region” in Zagreb, November 27 – 28, 2013
International Conference on “Research and entrepreneurship partnership for the growth and internationalization of SMEs in Danube Region” has been organized within EU Strategy for Danube Region, Priority Area 8 – Competitiveness, jointly