Press Release Danube Region as a Region of Excellence: Bioeconomy is a Process and cannot be Avoided! On the one hand, the Danube Region represents a perfect platform for
Sustainable Transformation of the Danube Region and the Future of the Bioeconomy-based Competitiveness – Joint Event of the DTP project DanuBioValNet and the Priority Area 8 of the EUSDR
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Final Conference of the DanuBioValNet Project and experience the Danube Competitiveness in Practice Event “Sustainable Transformation of the Danube Region
Great success at the joint event of the UpGradeSME project and the Priority Area 8 of the EU Strategy of the Danube Region
On 19th March 2019 the Joint Event of the Project UpGradeSME and the Priority Area 8 of the EUSDR was Held in Stuttgart. SMEs, R&D Stakeholders and Public Authorities from
Internationalisation of SMEs in the age of digitalisation – Joint event of the project UpGradeSME and the Priority Area 8 of the EU Strategy of the Danube Region
The 4th industrial revolution and digitalisation opens new perspectives and provides various challenges for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in internationalisation. How can we overcome these challenges, be ready
The Third Call of the Danube Transnational Programme is open now!
The Danube Transnational Programme is a financing instrument of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC), better known as Interreg. The Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) promotes economic, social and territorial cohesion in
15th Steering Group meeting of PA 8 in Stuttgart
On 19th december 2018 the 15th Steering Group Meeting of the PA 8 took place in Stuttgart. You can find all the relevant documents in the following section: The
PA 8 of the EUSDR and DanuBioValnet’s Awareness Workshop for European Clusters in Zagreb: A More Active Approach o of the Regional Level is Needed
The Priority Area 8 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and DanuBioValnet’s Awareness Workshop for European Clusters in Zagreb: A More Active Approach of the Regional Level is
Revision of the EUSDR Action Plan – Priority Area 8 – Competitiveness
The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) addresses a wide range of thematic fields, which are divided among four pillars and twelve priority areas. The EUSDR Actions are pre-defined
INVITATION – “Brokerage Event – Smart and Innovative Precision Farming“
The Union of Slovak Clusters (UKS) cordially invites you to “Brokerage Event – Smart and Innovative Precision Farming“ which will bring together the representatives of SMEs, R&D institutions and academia to
Priority Area 8 and the project “DanuBioValNet” at the EU Western Balkans Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event in Zagreb
The Priority Area 8, together with the “DanuBioValNet”, will be presented at the “EU Western Balkans Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event” which will take place on 22nd and 23rd