The 8th Steering Group meeting of the Priority Area 8 “Competitiveness and Cluster Development” of the EUSDR was held on 3rd December 2014 in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Budapest/
A new facility instrument for Danube Region projects preparation is launched
The Priority Area 8 (PA 8) on Competitiveness calls the EUSDR countries stakeholders for their attention to the launch of the new instrument START – Danube Region Project Fund –
Speakers Corner DanuClus at the Third Annual Forum in Vienna
During the Third EUSDR Annual Forum in Vienna, the Working Group Clusters of Excellence of Priority Area 8 presented its progress in project development, introduced some project ideas, and discussed
EUSDR Progress Report June 2014
The Priority Area 8 (PA 8) “To support the competitiveness of enterprises, including cluster development” of the EU Danube Strategy (EUSDR) is coordinated by two Priority Area Coordinators (PACs) resident
First State-of-the-Region Report: Socio-Economic Assessment of the Danube Region
The first state of the region report on the Danube Region commissioned by the Ministry of Finance and Economics Baden-Wuerttemberg has compiled a series of results on the prosperity and
3rd Political-Strategic Meeting WG Clusters of Excellence (30 April 2014, Vienna)
The third political-strategic meeting of the Working Group Clusters of Excellence took place on 30 April 2014 in Vienna. A record number of 51 cluster experts, cluster managers and governmental
INTERREG B 2014-2020: Calls for submission of applications
Removing economic, social and spatial differences and promoting the coalescence of Europe – these are the objectives of the European structural policy. In the context of the European Territorial Cooperation
The Environmental Technology Network Danube Region at the IFAT–International Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management from 5 to 9 May 2014 in Munich
The Environmental Technology Network Danube Region (ETNDR) has participated with a promotion area Danube Region of 25qm on the joint stand from the state of Baden-Württemberg at the IFAT 2014. Many